The MISTY Blindmask provides comprehensive training programs, ranging from instructing employees in fire extinguisher usage in a smoke filled environment to equipping your staff with hands-on training for effective emergency evacuation procedures. Our goal is to ensure that your trainees develop the skills to operate confidently in smoke-filled environments.
With the handheld controller, the instructor can vary the visibility from perfectly clear to complete black-out conditions while having a clear view of the training exercise.
is designed to fit directly over SCBA masks or can be worn without a BA mask.
> Train with “smoke like conditions” in areas where the use of a smoke machine or live fire isn’t possible.
> The system allows up to 12 students to train at the same time
> Battery time that lasts up to 10 hours
Set the visibility of each mask manually or select automatic mode, which constantly varies the smoke to increase and decrease the visibility.
Trainees learn to adapt and stay calm in challenging emergency situations.